The Lucky Seven Foundation’s Gifts Provide Students the Opportunity to Improve Rural and Underserved Communities | Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine | Washington State University (

“The Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine received a gift over $1 million dollars from the Lucky Seven Foundation that will help students over the next four years continue to serve rural and underserved communities as primary and family medicine physicians.”

After an apology — and a surprise gift — Seattle’s empty homeless shelter will open after all | The Seattle Times

That article about an empty shelter going unused, it just put me over the top,” says John Backus, the youngest of the seven. It’s absurd for Seattle, with all our problems. We’ve got a new homeless shelter sitting there ready to go and we’re not going to use it? So I just thought, we’ve got to get that open. Lucky Seven is pledging $250,000 to the cause — “a pretty big deal for us,” Backus said.